Friday, February 18, 2011

What a Waste.

I don’t know what irritates me more at the parliament. The government or the opposition? One thing is for sure, both of them have annoyed me dearly. A session was lost in parliament last year. So many important things were happening to India that needed to be discussed. Most importantly the inflation that had reached new heights, causing great inconvenience to the citizens of India. Pulses failed the poor man, they no longer remained the poor man’s food.

Sure, but for the Neta’s there was something more important at the top. For the opposition it was initiating a Joint Parliamentary Committee into the 2G scam. Sure lot of money was lost, like a lot. The government busy with pressuring institutions with cleaning the various scams that has hit it. But seriously we as the public need to wake up to this publicity stunt.

JPC have most have the time just been there. There just to show that the government is doing something or as in this case the opposition is doing something. No one ever listens to the recommendations set by them. Neither the UPA or the Opposition. My point is somehow we, the public need to get the message across that we know this trick. We are all ready tightening the screws around. Lets make it as tight as possible. Every turn makes a difference.

Let them know.

A Rarest of things?

Recently the world experienced on the rarest things that it will ever see, but it should see more of it. The world witness one of the most peaceful revolutions. The protestation at Tehran Square resulted in demand for the President to step down. I was sure that the Army would react. It would be China all over again, but things have changed.

There was a bit of violence that was between the protestors and supporters of the President. That where things get a bit weird. The Army failed or was to slow to react to this violence. In simple terms, they did not get involved. Could it all have been planned out? The Police have disappeared off the streets at the beginning of the protestation. Was this them in an official capacity. Also let me point another thing, did the Army resort to violence because of the large media presence that was putting Egypt into the international spotlight. Also not the forget the power of the internet. It played a big role. Did the government and the army not forget how the internet fueled protest in Iran inspite of its crackdown. Did the government and army allow for this strong presences of media because of its heavy backing of the United States, giving it not many choices?

Since the President has stepped down the army has been pushing out protest out of Tehran Square. It has officially said that it would take over leadership and democratic elections would be there in a month.

Well, I really hope it does happens and it all plays out for the best. But Egypt has a long way to go.