Tuesday, November 23, 2010

What is Myanmar upto?

This may be coming a little late, but this question has been going over my mind for some time.The question is releated to the release of Noble Peace Prize Winner Aung Sun Suu Kyi. Though I have not come up with any concrete theory, but I have a theory.
1.  One is that economic pressure. The economic sanctions of the Western countries have got started to pressure the economy... or that the leaders realised how much more money will pour in which they can pick up if the wester companies enter the market. Even after the release of Aung Sun Suu Kyi, she made a statement that seemed to me that she was critising the wester economic sanctions on the basis that could have been better jobs and more employment for the public.
However the big hole in this theory is that though West are not touching Myanmar, Myanmar has strong trading realations with members of ASEAN and China. 

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