Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Chinese Aggression

The recent news of the proposed dam to be built in China which will affect the river Brahmaputra in India is a cause of concern to Indians. China’s aggression has been there for a long time and it has been relentless. It’s most evident aggression is as it slowly as it encroaches upon the Indian land.

The proposed dam is a cause of concern because it involves a lot of fertile delta’s which are used a farmland and depend on the River Brahmaputra for irrigation. However the question arises on what can the Indian government do about it?

The Red Dragon has grown very powerful economically and militarily. What cards do they hold against the Chinese?

The Indian Foreign ministry can lodge a formal protest against the Chinese Government on issue of their aggression. The second possibility is that it can take direct action, hang the diplomacy lines on a line to dry and go to war.

However there are problems with these two options. One is that a formal complaint has and continues to be a wash over with no action taken place and the complaints being ignored. Another is the Red Dragon power. The Chinese military is a force to be reckoned with and because of its modernization it may even be stronger than the Indian military force.

So what can India do?

Well, it can try with as much persuasion and evidence reveal the Chinese aggression to international world. Other than that the Indian Government has reached a stale mate.

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