Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Ruben & Keenan... Another Lost Movement?

Like so many movements, the murder of Ruben & Keenan has sparked of anger among citizens of India and Mumbai. This anger has been channeled by the family, the media and whole host of netizens into a movement of anti-teasing. The movement began on social network sites and now has spread across to signature campaigns and cries for strong laws against eve-teasing. The media has played a strong role in this on-going event, by first expressing shock over the incident and now seemingly putting its support behind this movement.
However I would like to point out a few things.
The people who are signing anti-eve teasing petitions and joining this movement whether on the web or in life... are people who are educated Indians who are similarly shocked and more importantly are people who in no way conduct eve teasing themselves. By all means let this movement demand strong laws against eve teasing.
Still in all this shock, anger, media glare the public... the netizens, the outspoken voices of this movement in the media have failed to dwell into the deeper issue of eve teasing.
I am not claiming to be an expert on such a topic... however it is of my strong opinion that the problem of eve-teasing lies in Indian tradition... and to be more specific I am talking about repressed sexual freedoms. Sex has a topic is not open India. Many individual not only in rural areas but in urban areas are closed minded on the topic of sex. To dwell deeper when I write sex I want to signify not only the topic, but the clothes one is allowed to wear, the media one is exposed to and the taboo put on certain sexualised objects. People are bought up from childhood with such connotation.
And then to be exposed in this world, to be more precise an urban setting... where things are open. Couples now kiss in the open, girls who have the freedom to wish what they want to wear, media that is no more careful about just a kissing scene. To be bought up in a manner which is contrary to what is taught within the confines of a family and what is shown by society will come as a shock to such individuals.
And this shock will cause a social failure among such individuals as how to act in this open minded society.   

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