Thursday, December 29, 2011

Where is it Going at Delhi??

Heck... Personally I have no idea how to react to the way the state Parliament is in. The fact of the matter all the political parties are doing it.
The BJP seems be doing it just to show that it is with the people. 
The SP and RJD are scared that if an effective Lokpal Bill is enacted then people like Lalu Prasad Yadav would actually be behind bars. 
The TMC which is always positioning itself as the people's hero is afraid that the Lokayutta will be an instrument of the Center to control West Bengal State. 
The Left has just been crying out that that it wants corporate sector to come under the Lokpal ambit, just to say that we are marxist and we are against corporatism.

Every party different demands. Its not getting anyway.
What a waste. 
Perhaps there is a need for Indian Democracy to evolve to today's need. There is a need for the legislative and executive powers to be separated. In such a way which ever government is running should have more flexible is running laws and policies. A fractures multi-party system at the legislative level seems to be hindering a lot of the exective powers and working of the government. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

"That's Occupy Wall Street and Capitalism is going to Bow to It"

They are angry, young, unemployed and yeah they are not happy.
Though such a protest originated in Spain, it began to be called as Occupy Wall Street when the media took notice of similar protest in New York, Wall Street and hence the name. And now we have across the globe similar movements. This movement is demanding for large corporations not be greedy and corrupt. The protest brings social and economic inequality, unemployment to the forefront in this post rescission world. The protest has even got an anti-capitalist   tone about it which has been embraced by the movement.
This movement... this movement is just amazing to see. In today's world use of the internet it is amazing to see people all with one single attitude gathering across vast space of land and sea in a common cause and common goal just because of their extremely similar experiences.
However whether such a movement is going to be successful, of that I am doubtful.
The movement is frankly almost look like a mob, a mob which is likely angry. They walk... not walk, they walk and crowd the financial districts of the cities and countries. They hold banner, scream slogan. Do a lot of social media stuff. All this is very effective. It has caught the eye of the globe. It is effectively spreading information on the movement, their demands, what they want to be changed. People are aware of Occupy Wall Street. Some politicians have even given comments and some foreign countries have even commented on this.
BUT... is this going to change anything. From what I know of movements, revolutions I am skeptical. This movement has no leader for the governments and corporate organizations to look to. There is no person or group of persons who the government or corporate organizations can talk, communicate or discuss with. The demands are there, but they are not targeting any corporate and it is within the clubbing of all the corporates together that many of the corporate organizations feel save. And lastly there is still a view that this movement is just a large number of people on the street as a effect of recession and this is just an angry mob on the street which will disperse once the economy picks up.

Ruben & Keenan... Another Lost Movement?

Like so many movements, the murder of Ruben & Keenan has sparked of anger among citizens of India and Mumbai. This anger has been channeled by the family, the media and whole host of netizens into a movement of anti-teasing. The movement began on social network sites and now has spread across to signature campaigns and cries for strong laws against eve-teasing. The media has played a strong role in this on-going event, by first expressing shock over the incident and now seemingly putting its support behind this movement.
However I would like to point out a few things.
The people who are signing anti-eve teasing petitions and joining this movement whether on the web or in life... are people who are educated Indians who are similarly shocked and more importantly are people who in no way conduct eve teasing themselves. By all means let this movement demand strong laws against eve teasing.
Still in all this shock, anger, media glare the public... the netizens, the outspoken voices of this movement in the media have failed to dwell into the deeper issue of eve teasing.
I am not claiming to be an expert on such a topic... however it is of my strong opinion that the problem of eve-teasing lies in Indian tradition... and to be more specific I am talking about repressed sexual freedoms. Sex has a topic is not open India. Many individual not only in rural areas but in urban areas are closed minded on the topic of sex. To dwell deeper when I write sex I want to signify not only the topic, but the clothes one is allowed to wear, the media one is exposed to and the taboo put on certain sexualised objects. People are bought up from childhood with such connotation.
And then to be exposed in this world, to be more precise an urban setting... where things are open. Couples now kiss in the open, girls who have the freedom to wish what they want to wear, media that is no more careful about just a kissing scene. To be bought up in a manner which is contrary to what is taught within the confines of a family and what is shown by society will come as a shock to such individuals.
And this shock will cause a social failure among such individuals as how to act in this open minded society.   

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Anna Hazare Face of India

I Think Not.

“Anna Anna Anna”, that’s all you me, I and everybody else has been hearing in the last man. What a waste?

He stands behind Gandhi’s statues and symbols. He claims that it is the second freedom struggle. The media overplays the role of the public claiming everyone is with and supporting Anna.

For one I am not everyone, and hence ‘everyone supporting Anna’ is just a load of crap, from the media of course.

Second Anna should become a person to be studied in marketing and adverting schools, spin doctor/ activist Arjun Kerjewal has done a brilliant job.

Third Anna is not even close to Ghandi. Only a significant number of India’s population has emerged in support and protest for Anna, but the real bulk lie dominate, the target audience that real made the Independence movement a real chance of success; the rural populace.

Fourth, this movement is not secular. Throughout Ganpati newspapers were filled with pictures of the Anna Camp that performed puja at Ganpati Mandals. Sure, you may say its their religion and all, then a question arise what other members are there. Still don’t believe, Anna complimented Narandra Modi for the management of Gujarat. Yeah right, Modi managed the State sponsored riots very well.

Do not trust him. Question this patriotism that he is spreading around.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Buck Stops Here?

The 33rd President of America was Harry Truman and in his presidential office in his table he has a sign which was written, “The Buck Stops Here”- taking responsibility for his country.

A month ago, A. Raja former telecom minister and main accused in the 2G Scam, named and incriminated the Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.

A question has arisen whether the Prime Minister should be implicated and held accountable for the Scam as he is the head of the cabinet.

The action and conduct of the Cabinet members is held accountable by the Prime Minister and the Prime Minister and his Cabinet is held accountable by the Parliament. The responsibilities of every Cabinet portfolio is looked over by the Parliament. Considering the actions of the A. Raja as a Telecom Minister was not questioned or found suspicious of the PM is question is being asked by many. In reply to this the Prime Minister and his office (PMO) has denied knowing of the A. Raja’s action and that he had also managed to deceive them.

Whatever it may be, the Prime Minister is responsible for every Cabinet member’s action and has the power to review their actions. The questions to be asked is whether he should be not be charged for accountability of his Cabinet. Whether he should be forgiven for his ignorance?

In my personal opinion whatever it may be the Prime Minister should not be implicated, because simply before anyone can realize he will become a scapegoat for Indian society and every form of corruption will be blamed on him.

Sunday, August 14, 2011


What is India? A country, which is truly a country that has unity within diversity?

The people of South India, believe that they are related to the people of Central India. The people of North-East India believe that the people of North India are their brothers. A country where all the States celebrate Independence Day together. A country where across the State, the national flag is raised up on Independence Day and all the national heroes that are learnt in the school books are remembered. A country where all the people unite to see the Indian cricket team win.

Is this India?

The South Indian States one will find that when you try to communicate to them in Hindi or English they refuse to help and do not reply inspite of maybe... knowing either of the languages. Kashmir is a State where over half the Indian army is present there with arbitrary rights and they are there to protect the rights of the citizens of India. A country where minority communities are killed by State sponsored violence.

Could this also be India?

A greater thinker once said that countries are imaginary.

Perhaps imaginary lines that are needed. Where a number of the people just imagine, they just believe they are truly all related, they are all brothers and sisters, while some do not feel the spirit.

Could this also be what India is?

Is India just imagined?

What, if States had a chance to separate today? What would happen?

There is a possibility of Kashmir and the States of North-East grasping their freedom. But there is also the real threat of Pakistan, occupying Kashmir and the real threat of China occupying the States of North-East. It is a real threat, because that is what is happening in this present world, they are slowly encouraging and encroached upon these States.

In my personal opinion, India is imagined, but very, very much necessary inspite of its flaws.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Rahul Gandhi, the Future

On Sunday, 19th June Rahul Gandhi turned 41 years old. It won’t be long before he will take over the reins of Congress. Already a section of the Congress is rumbling for Rahul Gandhi to take over PM Manmohan Singh. TOI quotedCongress general secretary Digvijay Singh saying, “It’s time Rahul becomes PM”. However one must question this persons leadership ability.

On Sunday I visited the Church for my morning mass. After that finished I left to Church only to see a group of people distributing chocolates at the gate of my Church in celebration of Rahul Gandhi’s birthday. The problem I had with this was that they were not the only people at the gate. There was a group of beggars at the gate to. Ironic, isn’t it? I would rather have them celebrate his birthday by helping those beggars. Do I want this man to become the Prime Minister in near future?

Rahul Gandhi also needs to learn to be honest, the public is getting smarter every year. His stunt at Bhatta Parsaul village in Uttar Pradesh, where he made a shocking statement that women were being raped and farmers being killed for protesting against an acquisition of land for an Expressway. He even showed a site which was supposed to be a graveyard of bodies. However soon enough after a forensic team was bought in, these claims were found to be false. Media persons went to the village and found that Rahul’s Gandhi’s claims were false.

It is possible that Rahul Gandhi tried what his grandmother, Indira Gandhi pulled off in the late 1970 when she rode into a Blechi village on an elephant and highlighted the Central Government’s insensitivities to the atrocities on the Dalits and was a major reason for a victory as the next PM again. However the public is smarter that it was in 1970s and such tatics will not work.

There is no doubt that that the Gandhi family has made great contributions to the country of India and it has produced great leaders such as Nehru and Indira Gandhi. However Rahul lacks the experience to make a change in the current political scenario.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Chinese Aggression

The recent news of the proposed dam to be built in China which will affect the river Brahmaputra in India is a cause of concern to Indians. China’s aggression has been there for a long time and it has been relentless. It’s most evident aggression is as it slowly as it encroaches upon the Indian land.

The proposed dam is a cause of concern because it involves a lot of fertile delta’s which are used a farmland and depend on the River Brahmaputra for irrigation. However the question arises on what can the Indian government do about it?

The Red Dragon has grown very powerful economically and militarily. What cards do they hold against the Chinese?

The Indian Foreign ministry can lodge a formal protest against the Chinese Government on issue of their aggression. The second possibility is that it can take direct action, hang the diplomacy lines on a line to dry and go to war.

However there are problems with these two options. One is that a formal complaint has and continues to be a wash over with no action taken place and the complaints being ignored. Another is the Red Dragon power. The Chinese military is a force to be reckoned with and because of its modernization it may even be stronger than the Indian military force.

So what can India do?

Well, it can try with as much persuasion and evidence reveal the Chinese aggression to international world. Other than that the Indian Government has reached a stale mate.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Mamata Banerjee has finally taken down the Left bastion in West Bengal. She has given up her Minister post at the Centre level and has become the Chief Minister. Mamata Banerjee’s victory does lift my eye brows a little to give a cause of concern. While West Bengal may not have been able to give the public everything that it wanted, many people do not realize the development that Left government has done. The Left government had managed to take the political development of villages to the third phase, which most States cannot boast of. This means that the villages have reached the highest level where autonomy and decision making has been given to them. However communication and transfer of funds to the villages have failed. Mamata Banerjee is a cause of concern to me because of she seems to be one who is all talk but will not deliver. For one, she is willing to give the Singur land back to the Tatas. This is the same land that she fought tooth and nail to take back from the Government, and now that she is no longer the opposition.

In Tamil Nadu J. Jayalalitha has become Chief Minister for the third time. Her party AIDMK has taken over from the DMK who has lost because of the 2G scam at the Centre which is leading back to them. J. Jayalalitha has been a long time activist and will be a boon for Tamil Nadu, and it is a break from the patriarchal control of the dynastical M Karunanidhi.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Osama's Death and my belief

The death of Osama Bin Ladin does not definitely mean the death of an idea and death of an organization. Ideas as such as Jihad and organizations such as Taliban and Al-Quida will live on.

There a certain confusion surrounding the death of Osama and on this I have certain beliefs.

For one I believe that Osama was killed some time ago. It just seemed politically, military and strategically right to announce it now. Strategically when the US has pulled out of Iraq and is pushing to come out of Afghanistan. Politically the time seen right and Obama’s ratings are up above 50%.

Second was the strike it self. There is no doubt that Osama was living in Pakistan. With Afghanistan over run with western soldiers and continuous strike on top Al-Quida and Taliban leaders, Pakistan was a better option with a corrupt ISI and a major part of the country under Taliban. The strike itself was the usual drone bombing. US navy seals were sent in. I believe that Osama was not killed in a firefight and was captured and killed in an execution style with a bullet in the head. For obvious reasons that man could not be allowed to live and could not be given a trail.

If given a trail this man will inspire so many bombing and bloodshed throughout the world. Hence he needed to die.

However with the announcement of his death one thing is for sure, the Al-Quida are at deaths door.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Where is Libya Going?

Libya state is one of concern all around the world. With the western intervention in the Libya’s civil strife, it only begs to answer a question of what are the West motives. The world still has a lot of countries that are in need of intervention, where the larger public is oppressed and is under dictatorship for a long time. The Jasmine Revolution across the Arab countries sent waves across the world. It all started at Sudan and spread like wild fire across the world. To qualify Libya as part of the Jasmine revolution would be difficult because of two reasons. One is that it is not a peaceful revolution and the other is that it has not been started by the larger public, but a group of dissident public officials and politicians.

The West intervention on one level is welcomed, but it questions the motives of the West. It is good to see an international intervention is a civil strife where a group of people are fighting against the dictatorship and that for once the world does not stand at the sidelines to see what goes down and instead takes action, for a just cause.

Still there is a doubt that the West is doing it for the oil and the other resource that have to exploit in Libya. If a puppet government comes up, it will not bode well with the people. If, after this conflict is over and the rebels emerge victorious, and the West put too much influence over the new government, then it will not bode well with the people.

If things to not bode well for the public we will see a repeat of the Iraq. Iraq, where the Taliban had no presence at all, but after the American invasion came that all changed. The public became dissatisfied with the way things were going, and the Taliban offered them a chance to fight back. The same thing cannot happen in Libya.

It would add only the world problems.

Friday, February 18, 2011

What a Waste.

I don’t know what irritates me more at the parliament. The government or the opposition? One thing is for sure, both of them have annoyed me dearly. A session was lost in parliament last year. So many important things were happening to India that needed to be discussed. Most importantly the inflation that had reached new heights, causing great inconvenience to the citizens of India. Pulses failed the poor man, they no longer remained the poor man’s food.

Sure, but for the Neta’s there was something more important at the top. For the opposition it was initiating a Joint Parliamentary Committee into the 2G scam. Sure lot of money was lost, like a lot. The government busy with pressuring institutions with cleaning the various scams that has hit it. But seriously we as the public need to wake up to this publicity stunt.

JPC have most have the time just been there. There just to show that the government is doing something or as in this case the opposition is doing something. No one ever listens to the recommendations set by them. Neither the UPA or the Opposition. My point is somehow we, the public need to get the message across that we know this trick. We are all ready tightening the screws around. Lets make it as tight as possible. Every turn makes a difference.

Let them know.

A Rarest of things?

Recently the world experienced on the rarest things that it will ever see, but it should see more of it. The world witness one of the most peaceful revolutions. The protestation at Tehran Square resulted in demand for the President to step down. I was sure that the Army would react. It would be China all over again, but things have changed.

There was a bit of violence that was between the protestors and supporters of the President. That where things get a bit weird. The Army failed or was to slow to react to this violence. In simple terms, they did not get involved. Could it all have been planned out? The Police have disappeared off the streets at the beginning of the protestation. Was this them in an official capacity. Also let me point another thing, did the Army resort to violence because of the large media presence that was putting Egypt into the international spotlight. Also not the forget the power of the internet. It played a big role. Did the government and the army not forget how the internet fueled protest in Iran inspite of its crackdown. Did the government and army allow for this strong presences of media because of its heavy backing of the United States, giving it not many choices?

Since the President has stepped down the army has been pushing out protest out of Tehran Square. It has officially said that it would take over leadership and democratic elections would be there in a month.

Well, I really hope it does happens and it all plays out for the best. But Egypt has a long way to go.